Learning an instrument develops your musicality, musical appreciation, creativity, cognitive abilities, concentration skills, motor skills, emotional intelligence, well being and much more ! 

Trinity & Rockschool now provide online exams as well as traditional exams. 


There are many positive reasons to take a Trinity or Rockschool exam. Whether you are a student studying GCSE music, a budding young musician, or an adult seeking to improve , There are many benefits to your musical growth. 


Whether you take the Performance Certificate or the Grade exam, you will be required to perform pieces from a variety of different genres, challenging your abilities to play a wide selection of techniques, rhythms, and dynamic contrasts. You will learn a discerning appreciation & understanding of the skills required to perform with musicality and confidence. 


Grade Exams go a little further than Performance Certificates, challenging the student to be able to play a number of scales on demand, in a variety of different keys – essential knowledge for fluent and creative soloing and improvisation. The additional ear tests encourage aural dexterity, aiming to equip students with the ability to reproduce melodies with minimal repetition of a given stimulus. 


Should the Sight Reading option be taken, the student can expect an improved transcription ability, and speedier learning of pieces due to a heightened appreciation of rhythmic and pitch notation. 

Furthermore, the opportunity to perform all of these tasks in an ‘Exam/performance’ situation provides the student with an opportunity to build confidence in a challenging setting. 


For those looking to go to university, Grades 6-8 offer the opportunity to acquire UCAS points, which can strengthen applications and demonstrate a broad range of skills outside of normal academia. 

By virtue of their progressive and comprehensive content, the Grades offer a practical scheme of work that serves to guide students in their personal development, whether they choose to take the exam or not. 

Trinity or Rockschool Exam pieces can also form part of a GCSE, BTEC, or A-Level student’s performance pieces.


Book Trinity rock & pop exams here

Book RSL Rockshool exams here